Saturday, October 27, 2007

One More Thing

Hey Marbs Mom said that we have to do our library thing.

We did it already. No cat books a waste of time.

Ya those are my favorites. We couldn't get the list added to the blog. The add html screen didn't pop up.


We'll have to ask Mike for help.
You ask him. He attacked me in the family room last night. Yelled something about an intruder and then pounced.

I know he has attacked me too. Many times. Mom says that he is just keeping his top of the food chain predator skills sharp. He is a very serious cat.

I'm serious too.

You could spend a little less time around the fridge Marbs. All that ham and tuna is slowing you down.

Ok. You go ask Mike I'm going for lunch. All this talk of food is making me hungry.
K Marbs

Mike Get's envolved

My creation, originally uploaded by marbs & me.

We need your help with our blog. The pops ups aren't poping up.

You guys screwed up the computer and now you want me to fix it!
I'm busy protecting this house from intruders and you want me to fix the computer? Huh, Amatures!

Yes, Please O great one.

I'll need extra tuna for this one. I got enough to do without you two making more work for me.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A Typical Pose

My creation, originally uploaded by marbs & me.

Come on Marbs we've work to do.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Final Thoughts

Wake up marbs this is our last posting on our blog. You have to give me your impressions of what we saw.

(Yawn Stretch)

Not impressed huh.

Nope. Not enough cat stuff. Takes too long to down load.

There you about the high speed Internet again.

I thought it was interesting. I found some sites that can be fairly useful. Like Flickr for instance. There is a lot that you can do with photos. The e-books have their uses for some people. A lot depends on how fast a Internet connection you have and how much time you have to devote to your particular interest.

One thing I have found out is that were So Much Cooler On Line. Huh Marbs?

Oh Pleesse! Speak for your self. I don't need to be "cooler" I am already.

Next time I'll tell them about my 6 pack abs. That'll blow their minds.

I feel a hair ball coming up. I have to leave. Where's the tuna? Mom he's gone berserk !! Shut the computer off!

Marbs come back. I'm just getting started.

Apologies to Brad Paisley

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Net Library

I thought that I saw something about YPL's e-books but I never really looked at them before. They seem to have an extensive selection both at Net Library and YPL's e books.

Move your head Marbs I can't see. We can't look for cat books now. Mom said to finish up we need to get dinner ready.

O boy tuna fish.

I've never seen you move so fast Marbs. (As I blow hairballs away from the computer.) One drawback of having a cat as a blogging partner is trying to keep hairballs out of the computer. A quick dissemble and vacuum of the inside of the computer once a week keeps things running smoothly. Wish I had a dog for a partner. At least the hair would all mat together and fall to the floor. (You didn't see me say that.) He wouldn't be yelping about high speed internet either.

I could see where the e-books could be handy. Looking up last minute reference material, or getting books when it's convenient for you, and carrying several titles in your pda .

But I prefer the feel of a real book. Books are easier and don't require batteries.


We looked at the index of podcasts and weren't impressed. Were we Marbs .

Nope, nothing on cats.


Only Podcast Alley had current listings of podcasts. didn't have current listings.  Theirs were from last year and Yahoo Podcasts were closing at the end of October.  The casts listed on Podcast Alley were huge files.  Twenty to forty MB and up.  Way too large to download in any reasonable time period.


If only we had high speed Internet!


OK Marbs we'll quit buying tuna and you can live off the cheap no name cat food.


OH!! Those pod cast files!  Oh yes much too large!


Some of the titles sounded interesting.  But they are just too large to handle.

Only a couple of things to check out now Marbs.


Mirr rip



Thursday, October 18, 2007

You Tube

We checked out You Tube and Marb's picked out this video.
We didn't look at much because with our system they take so long to load.
Too cheep for cable Internet huh!
Easy Marbs, We get enough from the boys. Your just mad cause the first video was too racy. All that licking and sniffing, this is a classy blog. You can watch it later.

OK With tuna?
Only if you quit chewing in the mouse cord. Geese Marbs you got cat slobber all over it.

I wish I knew what people do to get enough time to film and download all of this video. You can't possibly watch it all, much less film and edit it. They sure can't be looking after a cat.

Could you remove your claws from my arm please? Thank you.
Mir rip.
I'll get the tuna.